Former member of our group for his B. Sc. final thesis titled: “Análisis Conformacional del Salbultamol”. (2023)
Marta María Laguna
Former member of our group for his B. Sc. final thesis titled: “Conformación y estructura de moléculas de interés biológico: conformación de la astragalina”. (2022)
Ana Gil
Former member of our group for his B. Sc. final thesis titled: “Espectro de microondas del alcohol isoamilico”. (2021)
Javier Olivares
Former member of our group for his B. Sc. final thesis titled: “Estructural determination of acridine by rotational spectroscopy”. (2020)
Carlota Rodríguez
Former member of our group for her B. Sc. final thesis titled: “Prediction and conformational analysis of biomolecules”. (2019)
Néstor Badás
Former student in our group during his B. Sc. final thesis titled: “Conformational study of biomolecules”.(2019)
Ana Ríos
Former member of our group for his B. Sc. final thesis titled: “Estudio de la conformación de la Homocisteína”. (2018)
Andrea Gil
Former student in our group for her B. Sc. final thesis titled: “MALDI-TOF Spectroscopy applied on yeast identification”. (2019)
Mª Cristina Sanz
Former student in our group during her B. Sc. final thesis titled: “Mases Spectrometry MALDI-TOF applied to fast identification of germs: Analysis of the Legionella Pneumophila“.
Sonia Fraile
Former student in our group during her B. Sc. final thesis titled: “Estudio estructural de sistemas flexibles. Complejos intermoleculares”.
Mª Adela Espinaco
Former member of our group for his B. Sc. final thesis titled: “Estudio y búsqueda conformacional de moléculas de interés biológico”.